Monday, October 15, 2018

Meal Planning in Moments

Are you tired of dinner time stress? Do you blindly add random ingredients to your grocery list in hopes that a meal can be made? Are you over budget? Do you need quick affordable meals at your fingertips? Does the idea of meal planning stress you out or seem overwhelming?

Well, today I am excited to be sharing with you how I meal plan every month. Meal planning has saved me time, helped manage dinner time stress, and has helped me keep a firmer grasp on my grocery budget as well as our out to eat budget. As an added bonus, I've also included free printables for you that will hopefully help you as you work toward a regular meal planning routine.

Meal Planning in Moments
Meal Planning in Moments from Cherish Hamilton on Vimeo.

Step 1: Make a meals master list. I do this in the back of my planner. You can do this on your phone, in a Word document, or a Spreadsheet. I am just a paper and pen kinda girl so my planner works best for me.

Step 2: Choose which meals you want to make during that month. Maybe it's December and things are hectic so you need more go to easy meals, including freezer meals.

Step 3: Fill in your Meal Planning in Moments Printable or Calendar with events, holidays, and days you think you might eat out, then fill it out with your meals.

As a side note, this is just a guideline that I use throughout the month, not something I have to stick hard and fast too. Feel free to switch it up as you go. Writing in pencil may come in handy.

Here is mine all filled out. Please excuse my awful handwriting.

Now for a couple of tips for being budget conscience before you start filling in your Plan.

1) Inventory your freezer and refrigerator to see what freezer meals and ingredients you already have.

2) Inventory your pantry as well to see what ingredients are on hand.

3) Try making meals based on what is in your house before purchasing additional ingredients.

I hate having to toss food that has gone bad or has expired. So use it before you lose it!

I'm sure there are other things I haven't remembered but that is all for now. If I think of anything else I'll be sure to share on Instagram and Facebook, so be sure to follow 5 Minute Moments over there so you don't miss a thing.

Here are two printables I made for you. The first is for meal planning two weeks at a time and the other is for planning the entire month at once. It is all about preference and finding what works for you.

Two weeks of Meal Planning in Moments Printable

Month of Meal Planning in Moments Printable

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